Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Actor/Writer Nicole Gabriella Scipione

This Writers Guild Foundation Program is vital for a host of reasons, in this actor/writer's opinion. The beautiful but agonizing gift of handing your work to strangers to cold read, and realizing that some things you thought were clear are not, as an adult actor completely botches some slang you wrote, or doesn't speak in the rhythms you imagine, is a real life necessity for the student writers. As an actor-writer, part of the deal is giving it away, eventually, so this program is a little semi-safe womb to practice giving your work to others. Conversely, the students get to see their story affecting other students (and us, the actors!) to laughter or sorrow; they might have not believed a stranger would love their script unless they witnessed it. The stories break my heart! They write tales of parental neglect, an uncaring social system, peer pressure, and stories of hope, and WIT. I heard an amazingly funny, endearing, and well shaped script - "Played" by Cameron Brown at LACES - with a real live twist at the end. I'm certain this program is an awesome creative writing class for every single participant, at the least, and to many, is a significant inspiration in the lives of our future generation of writers.

Nicole Gabriella Scipione


Unknown said...

Such expressive writing! YOu are wonderful.

Unknown said...

just saw "a song in a convinience store" at the hff, well done, great script and great acting, keep it up! and thanks for leading me to this, as a writer/director i hope to find it useful. great work once again, keep it up i hope to see you on screen once again, best,